time. and my why. charley.

There are few things in life on earth that are truly valuable. I’m sure there are many differing opinions as to what is most valuable, but my life experience leads me to believe that time wins the “most valuable thing” contest. By a mile. Maybe even a country mile. Probably by even further. Actually, it really isn’t measurable. Time, simply, is the most valuable asset we have on earth. If you think I’m wrong, allow me to convince you…

Think about it. If you have a job, what do you get paid for? Your time, making the company you work for – work. To many, time is money. If you have a spouse or significant other, you probably wouldn’t if you hadn’t spent time getting to know that person. And you probably won’t know them much longer if you don’t spend more time with them in the future. If you have kids, you are painfully aware of the impacts of time. They grow up so fast. Simply blinking costs you a year. Or two. Maybe more… How often have you taken a stroll down memory lane, looking at photos from a year or two ago, and realized that the kids you have now are not the kids in those photos. Sometimes it is truly unbelievable.

So now you have my “why”. Time flies. In fact, it has flown. My beautiful wife and I have been married since November of 2000. We have been besties since 1996-ish. Our oldest “little one” is now 12. Our youngest is nearly 9. We have lived an improbable life. We have come a long way spiritually, emotionally and financially.

We had the amazing opportunity to serve in a youth group for nearly 6 years. It is a humbling experience when you learn more from a group of teenagers than you could ever possibly teach that same group of teenagers. All of them have a chance to change the world, but all of them have have changed our world in one way or another.

I have worked for the same company for over 15 years. For the last 2 years, I have held a job that, on paper, I have no business holding. In fact, less than 1 percent of people who hold my position as CTO ( http://lmgtfy.com/?q=cto ) are missing what I am missing. A college degree. The proof of a loving God and the fruit of a praying wife. I am truly blessed.

Now it is time to look beyond the past 17 years of marriage, 12 years of fatherhood and 41 years of life, to our epoch.

An epoch is, according to Google, “the beginning of a distinctive period in the history of someone or something.”.  I believe this is a new beginning. 6 months of planning. 12 months of living. Living like we have never lived before. Stay tuned, more to come…